Metal cutting machines, also known as metal laser cutting machines, generally irradiate the surface of metal with a laser. The energy released by the laser can melt and evaporate the metal workpiece, ultimately achieving the purpose of cutting or carving. It has the characteristics of fast cutting speed, high accuracy, and cutting is not limited by patterns. Any pattern can be cut, and it also has the characteristics of saving materials and low processing costs.

What is the principle of a metal cutting machine? Next, let's follow in the footsteps of the editor and take a look together to understand and understand these contents.

The principle of metal cutting machine:

Metal laser cutting machine uses hernia as a high-energy output laser beam, which gathers on the surface of the metal workpiece to melt and vaporize the area illuminated by the laser beam. Then, it is controlled by a computer to move the position of the laser beam to complete the entire cutting action, which is fundamentally different from machine tool processing.

During the cutting process of metal laser cutting machines, auxiliary gases that are suitable for the material being cut are added. For example, when cutting materials such as steel, some oxygen is added as auxiliary gases, which act as oxidizing materials for chemical reactions that release heat from the metal.

Metal cutting machines can be divided into high-power metal cutting machines, fiber optic metal sheet cutting machines, and metal carving and cutting integrated machines based on the laser power in the machine equipment.

As a new type of tool, metal cutting machines are becoming increasingly popular in various industries, such as metal cutting, textile fabric cutting, laser marking, laser engraving, and so on.

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